Monday, March 10, 2008

On the Road – Sunday 11:00 p.m.

Tonight’s conversations have run the topical gambit. From the retelling of high school memories to a discussion of politics you might think that the well will soon run dry of items to discuss. With each silent lull or geographically/culturally appropriate musical interlude provided by an iPod I can’t help but wonder about where we are going next.

A slight nervous energy fills the car as we put the first 200 miles under our belts, and at this point it’s evident that the BBQ Tour of the South has officially begun. I’m not quite sure what this trip has in store for us. Will the BBQ be worth the long hours in the car? Will we find the perfect sauce that meets all our carnivorous desires?

Only time will tell my friends… only time and pork that is.

In the mean time, the guys and I have devised a make shift rating system to qualify our BBQ experience in a semi-orderly fashion. These rating will be based upon the overall dining experience. (5 being the best)

5 - Jesus Take the Wheel
4 – Slap yo’ Mama… twice.
3 – Kissing your cousin.
2 – Let’s go get McDonald’s.
1 – What the hell, are we still in Texas?

Here are some things we’re specifically considering: Meat, Sauce, Sides, Sweet Tea, Dessert, Restaurant T-shirt design and overall Atmosphere.

Also, I’ve been given a special assignment. At each restaurant, I’ll be purposefully scouring the establishment for the most stereotypical “redneck” in the joint and getting a picture of them. This mission will culminate each evening with our “Redneck of the Day” Award.

I know you’re excited.

I am too.

Pictures to come soon.

Don’t forget friends, Porkin’ absolutely ain’t easy.

P.S. We’re celebrating our triumphal entry into south with a stop at your friendly neighborhood casino. More on that excursion later.

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